Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blog Terms

In the world of blogging, it is easy to offend.  We have read many blog posts where either the blogger offends someone, or the replies offend the blogger, or everyone gets offended.  Jennifer and I feel that this blog will be no different.  We believe what will offend people more will be our faith alone.  Non-believers will find our posts foolish (1 Cor 1:18) and sometimes offensive. Jennifer and I love Christ first and foremost, before anyone or anything else, and what may be written will hopefully be blessed by God.

So, we have made a decision to lay out some ground rules for this blog to keep the offenses at a minimum.  If anyone has ever installed any program on their computer, they know that through all the crazy menus asking all sorts of information there is always a Terms of Use or Agreement to use the software.  Jennifer and I are reversing these terms, so to speak, as our terms of use will be to you the reader.  These are our solemn promises to the reader, and any of these promises broken by us will result in a quick apology.

  1. We will not use any names in our blog posts, not even made up names.  We cannot guarantee what we post is not about the people in our lives, but we will never use names.
  2. We cannot guarantee that we will not offend (Jesus offended many, the offended were the Pharisees) but we will never use offensive or hurtful language.
  3. We pray that what we write will be from God’s grace.  Our goal is to pray, write, pray, before posting.  We pray that there is no room for the enemy at this spot on the Internet.

We ask of you, the reader, the following:

  1. Please keep an open mind and open heart when reading.  Please think and pray about what you may say before replying.  Make sure your replies are meant to be open for discussion.  Any angry or hateful replies will result in your post being lovingly removed.
  2. Please do not use offensive language or hurtful critiques.  Any offending language will result in your post being lovingly removed.
  3. Please show love to everyone.  Any hate towards others will result in you being lovingly removed.

“Dear Lord, we give thanks that you have given Jennifer and I the abilities to observe and write about who you are and show people what you are doing in our lives.  We pray that our walk with you can be seen to all those around us, and will be used as a blessing and encouragement for those around us, and that the Holy Spirit uses us to build up His church.  Please give Jennifer and I a mind that is clear for your word and direction.  Please guide us in steadfastness when composing words for this blog.  Please continue to use us oh Lord, for your honor and glory.  It is in His glorious name we pray, Amen!”

All glory and praise be to our Lord God Almighty!

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